Death is Progressive is an elusive confusion between apathy and anger. It seeks to comment upon the idea of change as juxtaposed with the monotonous experience of a complacent subdued compliance. Composed as an electro-acoustic composition employing eight large loud speakers and one subwoofer, Death is Progressive studies the relations that exist between acoustic sound, recording, and the editing of such recording. The sounds that define the composition are obtained from three distinct sources: acoustic sound, analog electronic sound, and synthesized digital sound. Sounds from these three sources are recorded and subsequently contorted and mangled into an agreeable shape. Death is Progressive is a spiteful harangue upon the episodes of consciousness.
Death is Progressive was premiered on December 03 2012 at Roulette in Brooklyn, NY, as part of the emerging artist commission program. Death is Progressive was commissioned by Roulette with founds provided by the Jerome Foundation.
Special Thanks to composer Maria Mykolenko for her participation as violinist in the process of creating this composition.